Monday, January 14, 2008

Cheap religion

As part of a contemplative prayer group we meet monthly to discuss how it goes for us and are working our way though Richard Rohr's 'Everything belongs'. On Sunday we reached the final chapter (excluding the conclusion) and I was struck by this passage:
Cheap religion teaches us how to live successfully in a sick system. Sometimes therapy teaches us how to live successfully in a sick system. Sometimes therapy teaches us how to accommodate ourselves to a world based on power, prestige, and possessions. That’s why many people need more and more therapy or addictive religion as they “adjust” to a sicker and sicker environment. If we do not question the underlying lies, we can psychologize and theologize forever. As a general rule, we need more and more of what doesn’t work. If it worked, we wouldn’t need to keep increasing the fix.
echoes of Noel Coward's
Extraordinary how potent cheap music is
from 'Private Lives', I wonder, as well as Bonhoeffer on Cheap Grace? Plenty to reflect on as I think towards speaking on Sunday.

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