Sunday, February 06, 2011

Mutterings 6 February

This week's free word associations from Unconscious mutterings are:
  1. Trash :: Taking out
  2. Abs :: Absolute - Abs is a c++ function returning the absolute value of a number - there isn't this informative!
  3. Dating :: Speed
  4. Hooked :: caught
  5. Face :: moon
  6. Algebra :: symbols
  7. Reading :: age
  8. Horrendous :: situation
  9. Looks :: Losing ones (am I starting to worry - a bit late!)
  10. Python :: Idle - that's a reference to the python computer language where tools are based on the Monty Python programme (IDLE is the/a python IDE - editor test environment) as well as being a reference to Eric Idle.

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